Second Nature

Rivaling the crisp new leaves flapping in the spring breeze, their noisy excuses were abundant. “Revisions take so long and winter was so short, and that’s my best time to write.” “I can’t focus on writing with a stuffy head. The pollen was the worst!“ “All that rain made me blue. . .” “And now…

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CUT TO: Your Dream of Screenwriting

FADE IN: INT.  AUDITORIUM Muffled CROWD NOISE as average-looking SCREENWRITER nervously blinks and darts eyes… PULL BACK – …as s/he sits amongst a glamorous audience CUT TO – INT.  AWARDS STAGE Stunningly gorgeous ACTRESS fondles an envelope as gorgeous ACTOR devilishly looks on. ACTRESS                         And the Oscar goes to… CUT TO – INT. …

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